
Calling all animal friends! Do you want to give our animals a little bit of extra love? Why not think about sponsoring one of our animal families!

  • A male duck is called a drake and female ducks are called hens. Baby ducks are called ducklings.
  • Ducks feet has no nerves or blood vessels, meaning that their feet do not feel the cold! This enables ducks to swim in icy water, and walk in ice and snow.
  • There are around 40 breeds of domestic ducks, with the most popular being the White Pekin.
  • Ducks normally migrate between 200 and 4,000 feet in the air, but are capable of reaching far greater heights. A jet plane over Nevada once struck a Mallard at an altitude of 21,000 feet! This is currently the highest recorded flight of any duck!
  • Depending on the species, a duck can live between 2 and 12 years.
  • Ducks have webbed feet, acting like peddles under the water. This is what makes them such good swimmers.
  • Ducks have three eyelids!
  • The feathers on a ducks back are waterproof.
  • Some ducks can fly up to 332 miles in a single day. That’s about the distance from Middlesbrough to Brighton, which is right at the bottom of England!